Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here's to eating healthy!

I'm on a really bad eating kick this week. It was launched with my "I can eat whatever I want because I just ran 13 miles" attitude last Saturday. Now, my friends, I'm no longer playing with house money - I'm far beyond that really. AND, I'm not balancing out my eating with physical activity. Translation: Oops.

Since then I have enjoyed a wide array of good eats and drinks, including brats, German beer, Croque Monsieur, Belgian beer, offices treats like donuts and cupcakes, a fabulous lemon torte from Dahlia Bakery (my Tuesday night dinner), a Trophy cupcake (my Wednesday night dinner) and now a little blue-plate special action from McCormick's - blackened chicken tacos.

Tonight I'll stray from my dessert-as-a-meal pattern, but I'm still going out to eat with Steph, Holden, Stacey and JJ, so I'm not going to make any promises.

Oh well, we all have our weeks when you know you're not eating the best, but just can't seem to make it to the grocery store to pick up some healthy options. That'll be a goal of this weekend: Buy and eat healthy food. Nothing like this or this or this...

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